Friday, February 8, 2019

Chrome, Remote Desktop Services, and Time Zone Redirection

If you're using RDS and have enabled the GPO for Time Zone Redirection, there is a small issue with Chrome that may cause some issues. For whatever reason, JavaScript date functions in Chrome will pull the system's time data instead of the user's. So if your server is in UTC and your user is in Eastern, Chrome's detection will come back as UTC. Firefox and Internet Explorer do not appear to have this flaw (i did not test with Edge).

To tell if you're affected, open the Chrome inspector (Ctrl+Shift+I) and go to the Console tab. If you just enter in new Date() you will see a preview of what the date is, including the time zone.

As far as i can tell, there is no workaround, if someone has one please let me know. I'll be setting up separate pools for users just for this.

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