Monday, May 7, 2018

Automatically Rotating Group Policy Logon Messages

This is a pretty common task for various types of compliance, where you use the logon message via GPO to display security notices or other company facts. But you can't just have a stale message, it needs to be rotated to keep it fresh. I got tired of doing mine by hand, so i wrote a script to do it. Unfortunately the PowerShell Group Policy module has pretty poor documentation, and i'm not even confident it's capable of doing this. That said, some group policies use files in SYSVOL, while others store their data in AD. In this case, it's in a .inf file, so here is the powershell script:

$basepath="\\yourdomain.local\sysvol\yourdomain.local\policies\{CF267D2E-F5BE-46D9-85B3-58125FEFB1CF}\machine\microsoft\windows nt\secedit"
    "Your first notice.",
    "Your second notice.",

$phrase=$notices[(get-random -Maximum ([array]$notices).count)]
$phrase=$phrase -replace ",","`",`""  #the .inf wraps commas in quotes when it's part of the string

new-item -path $tmpfile -ItemType file -Force | out-null
foreach ( $line in get-content $tplfile ) {
    if ( $line -match "LegalNoticeText" ) {
        "MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\LegalNoticeText=7,$phrase" | out-file -filepath $tmpfile -append
    } else {
        $line | out-file -filepath $tmpfile -append
move-item $tplfile $bakfile -Force
move-item $tmpfile $tplfile

Just get the GUID of the GPO you're using from GPMC and replace it in the $basepath, and you're set. Run that as an account with permission to that path and it will automatically rotate it.

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