Friday, December 28, 2012

Media Keyboard Shortcuts with AutoHotKey

Recently I switched to a mechanical keyboard, and though I love it, the one thing I missed were the media keys on my old keyboard. At work I frequently utilize the volume and play/pause controls when quickly answering a phone call, and stumbling to hit the volume icon in the system tray was just not quite fast enough. To solve this problem, I ended up installing AutoHotKey and setting up some very simple automation. The basic method is to create a new text file with an AHK extension (I called mine media.ahk) and add the hotkeys to the file. You can mix these up as much as you want, check the AHK docs for more info. This script uses the windows key for all of the hotkeys:
#PgUp::Send {Volume_Up 3}
#PgDn::Send {Volume_Down 3}
#End::Send {Media_Play_Pause}
#Home::Send {Volume_Mute}
#Insert::Send {Media_Next}
After making the file, you can just double click on it for AHK to pick it up. See their docs for making that happen at login. Since I'm on Windows 8, there is already an on-screen volume meter when you start changing the volume, so I did not need an OSD or anything fancy.

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