The procedure for this is actually a bit simpler, there are just a few commands required:
Allow the traffic to get turned around:
same-security-traffic permit intra-interface
Add the NAT rule for users without their own static mapping
object network obj_any_hairpin subnet object network obj_any_hairpin nat (inside,inside) dynamic interfaceNote that i separated these two blocks as that is how it usually appears in the config. The first block defines the object group, while the second one applies the NAT rule to it. This rule will match for any LAN users that do not have a static 1:1 mapping defined.
Add NAT rules for all static users
object network obj_10.10.10.10 host object network obj_10.10.10.10_hairpin host object network obj_10.10.10.10 nat (inside,outside) static object network obj_10.10.10.10_hairpin nat (inside,inside) static
The object groups need to be separate so that you can apply different NAT rules to them. The first object group and the corresponding NAT rule is for the external access coming in, while the second set are the ones that allow the internal to internal traffic.